Paramedic Salary in Oklahoma

In this article, we will show you several statistics pertaining to paramedic salary in Oklahoma.  Not only will we reveal how much a paramedic makes in OK, but we’ll compare those annual income numbers to that of EMTs and flight paramedics as well.

So how much does a paramedic make in Oklahoma?  Well, let’s take a closer look.

Paramedic Salary in Oklahoma

It’s important to remember that the paramedic salary in Oklahoma can vary based on a number of different factors.  Probably the biggest factor is the region in which one works.  To put it simply, those working in certain areas of the country make more (or less) than others doing the same job elsewhere.

Another factor that can influence paramedic pay is the work experience (or lack thereof) a person may (or may not) have.  Those who have prior job experience as a paramedic may earn more than those coming straight out of paramedic school.

It’s also imperative to note that becoming a paramedic can lead to other jobs.  Not only do some people go from becoming a paramedic to a firefighter (and thus becoming a highly coveted firefighter paramedic), others may jump into a career in education and management.  These kinds of advancement opportunities can ultimately lead to a higher salary.

Some licensed paramedics even decide to go back to school and take the Paramedic to RN bridge program, which allows them to work towards becoming a Registered Nurse.  All of these varying jobs that relate to or bridge off from the role of a paramedic can affect one’s annual income.

Before we get into any specific numbers when it comes to paramedic salary in Oklahoma, let’s quickly cover a few important national statistics.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), EMTs and paramedics earn an annual average salary of $34,030.  On, that number is a little higher for paramedics specifically, averaging out to $38,347.  That salary figure equates to a monthly pay of $3,196, a weekly pay of $737, and an hourly wage of $18.44.

When it comes to both EMTs and paramedics in regards to employment levels, Ambulatory Health Care Services top the list with 110,330.  Local Government comes after that with 69,290, followed by General Medicine and Surgical Hospitals with 38,180, Other Support Services with 1,640, and finally Offices of Physicians with 1,610.

How Much Do Paramedics Make in Oklahoma

Using as our guide, let’s see how the salaries for EMTs, paramedics, and flight medics compare in the largest cities in Oklahoma (by population).

In Oklahoma City, EMTs earn $28,759 annually.  Paramedics earn $36,457.  And flight paramedics make $39,007 in yearly income.

In Tulsa, EMTs make $28,966.  Paramedic salary is $36,720 annually.  And a flight paramedic salary makes $39,288 every year.

In Norman, EMTs earn $28,759 annually.  Paramedics earn $36,457.  And flight paramedics make $39,007 in yearly income.

In Broken Arrow, EMTs make $28,966 per year.  Paramedic salary is $36,720 annually.  And a flight paramedic salary makes $39,288 every year.

In Lawton, EMTs make $25,730 per year.  Paramedics earn $32,618 each year.  And a flight paramedic pulls in $34,899 annually.

Paramedic Jobs in Oklahoma

If you’re currently looking for a paramedic job in Oklahoma, it’s recommended that you visit our job board.  There, you can search for hospitals and ambulatory services that are looking to hire educated and trained paramedics.

Based on the numbers provided by, paramedics in Oklahoma make a little bit less than the national average.  In fact, aside from Lawton, Oklahoma paramedics in the most highly populated cities seem to make just over $36,000.

It’s important to know that becoming a paramedic isn’t easy, and it’s not a job that will make you rich.  Still, it’s one of the most important and sorely needed jobs in America, as EMTs and paramedics remain our biggest and most visible real-life heroes.

Visit the Paramedic Training Spot homepage for more information!

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